Youth Section
If you have a son or daughter who is interested in attending our Junior Cricket nights please contact our youth Chairman Graham Watt. They will be made very welcome at our family club.
We have regular training sessions and matches at four age groups;
u9's which is an introduction to cricket.
u11, u13 & u15's who play league and cup games throughout the season.
Our trained and dedicated coaches are all Access NI checked.
Designated Safeguarding Officers are; Graham Watt & Stephen Moore.
Junior training sessions for 2022
Youth practice - u9's - 6.30 - 7.30pm
u11's - 6.30 - 8.00pm
Youth practice - u13's / u15's - 6.30 - 8.00pm
These sessions are open to all junior age groups – new members always welcome
ALL TRAINING SESSIONS ARE WEATHER DEPENDENT AND MAY BE CANCELLED AT SHORT NOTICE - please keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages for any news.

u11 Batsman of the year

u11 Bowlers of the year

u11 Batsman of the year